Titelles Vergés

Sebastià Vergés, pare i fill. Foto Jesús Atienza.


  • Historical Catalan company of three generations of puppeteers started by Sebastià Vergés i Prats (1900-1974), who starts working in 1910, with only 10 years, as Jaime Anglès i Vilaplana puppeteer’s apprentice and instructs him in the secrets of the trade. The junction of Sebastià Vergés i Prats with the classical school of puppetry called Catalan is total and is given by several routes: Joan Palou, Jaume Anglès Vilaplana and Juli Pi.
  • His sons Sebastià (1929) and Marti (1931) join the group, which travels throughout Catalonia and works stably in the Turo Park, Tibidabo and Barcelona locals and most popular cafes, and in all the festivities and popular neighborhoods in Barcelona.
  • During the Civil War, Antonio Vergés i Prats fight alongside the Republic and is decorated. It ends up being arrested, confined in the concentration camp Argelers (France) and finally deported to Cervera. Sebastià Vergés i Prats, as was the eldest son of a widow, was not militarized and stays in Barcelona, where he participated in the acts of the Government and Republican meetings. The end of the war marked a clear break in the world of puppets and in the scene in general.


  • The winners prohibit Catalan and force the exclusive use of Spanish and impose that, thereafter, the puppets can only be directed to children. This makes most of the previous works are no longer appropriate and should modify all codes and characters to suit the new audience. In these difficult years, to the Vergés they have no other choice but to adapt to the new situation and start a new phase.
  • In 1960 Sebastià Vergés i Cadena takes more prominence (active current dean of Catalan puppeteers) who, along with his uncle Antonio Vergés i Prats, form a remarkable duet with exceptional manipulation technique.
  • They were among the pioneers of Spanish television from 1959 to 1961, with 28 programs made in studies of TVE in Miramar, with the known radio presenter Joan Vinyes. Thanks to television the main character, Panchito, created by Sebastià Vergés i Cadena in 1947, became the hero of the children of several generations.
  • In 1973, the Theatre Institute of Barcelona gives Sebastià Vergés i Prats Honor Award for artistic career, a great tribute to the whole profession.


  • Sebastià Vergés i Martínez (1958), third generation, from an early age receive teachings and thorough preparation of his grandfather. In 1965, when he is 7 years old, he began as an assistant to his father and uncle Antonio Verges i Prats, who for more than a decade become their masters.
  • Sebastià Verges is the renewal and continuation of the company in two ways: for new productions while recovering ancient works almost forgotten in time. In 1984 with his father recovers classic ‘Festa Major o la Murga dels bens fets” in Barcelona’s Teatro Romea, within the VI Festival of Puppet Barcelona. As active member of the last generation, Sebastià Vergés i Martínez has worked for manipulating objects and dolls in advertising, television and film dubbing, plus puppeteer and ventriloquist’s clown. Innova the Catalan puppet, building a fiberglass prototype which has mechanisms to move the mouth and eyes with one hand, it may represent an important advance for the future of traditional Catalan puppet.
  • Currently Sebastià Vergés i Martinez runs the company along with Montserrat Albalate, and over the years have created new productions as:
  • ‘L’invent del professor Ximplet’, ‘L’aniversari de la senyora Antònia’, ‘La Laia i l’avi Vicenç’, ‘Els pastorets, fum, fum, fum’, ‘Les vacances dels 3 porquets’, ‘La màquina dels caramels’, ‘Ara ve Nadal!’, ‘El restaurant d’en Titella’, ‘Els pastorets de cartró’, ‘Els 3 porquets’, ‘La Castanyera’, ‘Contes de Nadal’, ‘El rei que tenia el nas vermell’, ‘El Nadal dels 3 porquets’, ‘La Caputxeta’, ‘El retorn dels putxinel·lis d’en Rusiñol’, ‘Hansel i Gretel’, ‘Clàssic’ , ‘Els Pastorets titelles’ i ‘La llegenda de Sant Jordi i el drac’, ‘El retorn dels putxinel.lis’, ‘El titella pròdig’.
  • The Puppet Company Sebastià Vergés has participated in numerous International Puppet festivals, which has had great success and general recognition.