- Mina Trapp mail:
- hermanastrapp@gmail.com
- tel: 656311683
- Facebook: hermanastrapp@gmail.com
- web: www.hermanastrapp.blogspot.com
- www.a–cero.blogspot.com
- www.mimaia.blogspot.com
- www.saffran.bandcamp.comConstruction, puppeteer and music
- Construction, puppeteer and music
- The Swiss mountains wind shoved her whistling one day to see how it sounded the Mediterranean. Because of Mary Poppins, became a teacher
- By Pippi Langstrump, redhead.
- By Giora Feidman, musicien.
- By Pepe Otal, puppeteer.
- She suffers a chronic disease that leads to play any instrument that raises her a little more ground.
- From walk much through the air, she plays the flute and clarinet.
- Much walking paths, guitar and violin.
- From such notalgia, accordion, and to keep the family tradition, the bass.
- They taught her the way, Pepe Otal, Ana Subirana, Pep Gómez, Stephen Motram, Vladimir Zakarov, Peter Waschinsky… and she walked in companies like Salapín, Karromato, Efimer, le Guignol a roulettes, Mimaia and SAffran