- Shadow and puppet theatre
- Director: Kerstin von Porat
- Can Tasi S/N
- 17851 Maià de Montcal (Girona)
- Catalunya
- animamundi@animamunditeatre.
com - www.animamunditeatre.com
- Tel: +34972590771
- Mov: +34625425273
- Artículos sobre Animamundi – Kerstin von Porat en Putxinel·li, aquí
- Artículos en Titeresante, aquí
- Animamundi is a company specialized in shadow theatre and puppetry. Kerstin von Porat, author and creator of the shows, entitled by the Puppet Department of the Theatre Institute of Barcelona, began her career in 1988. Her native country is Sweden, but her desire to discover new horizons brought her 1980 down to Catalonia and Barcelona, a city that always will remain in her heart as it showed her the little road that brings to the world of the puppeteer!