The Unima 2016 Congress, being carried out these days in Tolosa and San Sebastián, with the World Puppet Festival that accompanies it, has already voted their new directive: Dadi Pudumjee as President and Idoya Otegui as Secretary General. Members of the Executive Committee are: President Dadi Pudumjee – INDIA; General Secretary – Idoya Otegui; Treasurer: Lucile Bodson – France; 1st Vice – Manuel Moran – USA; 2nd Vice President – Karen Smith – USA.

Idoya Otegui, new General Secretary.

The shows are happening throughout the week as well as the regional nights, in which each region of Spain or the sum of them presents its program of scenic and culinary entertainment in the Festival Club.

Catalan show in Autonomic’s Nights. Picture by Ura Iturralde.

For more information in Spanish on the  development of the Congress, Festival, Exhibitions and Symposium, with lots of pictures, see in Titeresante here.

Exhibition of Joan Baixas. Picture by Ura Iturralde.

See here the list of the members of the Executive Comission elected by order of most to least voted:

Lucile Bodson
Dadi Pudumjee
Karen Smith
Idoya Otegui Martínez
Cariad Astles
Louise Lapointe
Tito Lorefice
Manuel Morán Martínez
Stanislav Doubrava
Livija Kroflin
Pierre Alain Rolle
Check Amadou Alheri Kotondi
Hamidreza Ardalan
Helena Nilsson
Boris Konstantinov
Albert Bagno
Katarina Klancnik Kocutar
Dayu Tang

 Important new: Bali, Indonesia, will be the next organiser of Unima Congress 2020.

Bali Dancer. Picture by Ura Iturralde.